Yoga Iyengar

À propos de la méthode

Le yoga Iyengar s'inspire des pratiques anciennes de yoga transmises par Shriman T. Krishnamacharia, telles qu'interprétées par le maître de yoga contemporain, B.K.S. Iyengar.

Le yoga Iyengar se distingue des autres méthodes par son attention minutieuse quant à l'alignement du corps, l'ordre séquentiel des asanas (qui assure une progression fluide et adaptée à l'étudiant.e) & l'utilisation des accessoires. En effet, B.K.S. Iyengar est reconnu pour la conception de nombreux accessoires (blocs, ceintures, traversins, couvertures, accessoires en bois) dans le but d'aider les élèves à effectuer une posture difficile, lors de limitations physiques ou encore pour aider à comprendre la bonne action à effectuer dans une posture.

How does Iyengar Yoga differ from other styles of yoga?

The Iyengar method develops strength, endurance, and optimal body alignment, in addition to flexibility and relaxation. The Iyengar method develops self-awareness, intelligent evaluation, and profound inward reflection. Standing poses are emphasized at the beginning to build strength and ease of movement, increase general vitality, and improve circulation, coordination, and balance. Postures for deep relaxation are also introduced from the beginning. Gradually, sitting and reclining postures, forward bends, inversions, backbends, twists, arm balances, and flowing sequences are introduced.

Iyengar Yoga emphasizes precision of alignment in the yoga poses. Why is this important? People tend to stretch from their more flexible areas and rely on their better-developed muscles for strength, thus reinforcing postural habits. Iyengar Yoga encourages weak parts to strengthen and stiff areas to release, thus awakening and realigning the whole body. As the body moves into better alignment, less muscular work is required and relaxation increases naturally.

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